Hover your mouse over the listed regions to see comments.

<p>England / London: </p>
    <p>“I walked into a fantasy that had no beginning or end, but a heart instead. Most captivating!”</p>
    <p>“The brightness of colour made me smile!”</p>
    <p>“What a contrast to the grey sky outside. The colours are amazing!!!”</p>
    <p>“Wonderful to meet and support another Australian.”</p>
    <p>“The colours are breathtaking.”</p>
    <p>“Elegant, gentle and colorful. Just Beautiful!!!”</p>
    <p>“It made me think and question my own art work.”</p> <p>Bulgaria / Sofia</p>
    <p>“I am deeply impressed from the expression of form, the interpretation of such a difficult theme (like myth) that has been presented in these paintings. The fine expression and mastership of brush work technique and detail is excellent. I only hope that in the near future we would have the pleasure to see your new paintings.”</p>
    <p>“Thank you for your warm emotions and personal explorations!”</p>
    <p>“A lot of Philosophy, a lot of gentleness and a lot of thought. I depart from Iliana’s exhibition elated with positive and happy thoughts. I wish to (the artist) Iliana a lot of artistic success and I hope to see more often her work in our own artistic community. With respect to a big talent.”</p>
    <p>“Greetings! Wonderful, fresh with positive reflections.”</p>
    <p>“Iliana, I am not acquainted with you, neither as a person or as an artist. However, I am impressed from your way of thinking and your specific way of narrating as a whole. Wishing you much deserved success.”</p>
    <p>“Dear child (that is how I imagine you). Most pleasant exhibition – creations. Delicate, colourful fairytale like with a lot of colour toning – pleasant collected nuances! Lightness and creation of curiosity – awakens positive feelings. Texts are also beautiful – philosophical. Keep on creating and deliver satisfaction.”</p>
    <p>“A part of Bulgaria and a part of Australia. It is amazing that together they have created a beautiful union.”</p>
    <p>“A feeling of amazement and large satisfaction had awakened in us while we went through Iliana Jordanov’s exhibition. The idea is beautiful, while the precision of technique flawless and of the highest quality. We would like to wish her great creative success.”</p> <p>Malta</p>
    <p>“Through narrative compositions she has tried to present the particular function that may exist in each of their cultures. There is the individual organic pattern that is autonomous, or there is the individual pattern that has been incorporated into a napkin, tablecloth or wallpaper. The industrial pattern has no longer as individual quality, but a quality of mass production”. </p>
    <p>7 March 2004, “Beyond a Whisper”, Malta Today.</p> <p>Australia</p>
    <p>"Congratulations on a great show! Your work is deeply interesting and I have been genuinely surprised for the first time in an age of openings. Well done."</p>
    <p>"So proud of yet another solo exhibition, but this is a special one after Europe! Your work looks brilliant, so delicate, bright and soft. You should send some of your designs to fabric companies. Happy painting."</p>
    <p>"I want to thank you so much for taking me on this journey with your passion, your artwork. A small piece of my heart stays with the Two Ladies. I feel very privileged to have seen it. Thank you again and I look forwards to the next story you have to tell."</p>
    <p>"Feminine, Earthy and at the same time mysterious."</p>
    <p>"Your work is extremely individual. Sculpture like …Congratulations it is a fabulous unusual exhibition. Quite imaginary and unique."</p>
    <p>"Your work was hauntingly beautiful. There was so much depth in them; I lost myself on numerous occasions. Staring at them … I felt as if I was creative. I love your narrative at the wall."</p>
    <p>"So well done!! You have developed your own graphic style, as a result all your pieces have strength of identity, well supported by strong colour themes … and I love the text accompaniments. Thank you."</p>
    <p>"Love it."</p>
    <p>"Your work invokes the unconscious, substance of dreams and memories imprinted on a cellular level, microscopic studies of energies and thoughts we carry in our bodies. Love your graduations of tone. So gentle and soft."</p>
    <p>"Your artwork is splendid! There’s an imaginary, fairy like, soft quality about it … It seems to reach into a part of the human that is illusive and intangible yet very important to our survival! Well done!! Fantastic!!"</p>
    <p>"I love your powerful, introspective work. Your combination of form of expression is very exciting and enlightening … looking forwards to your future works."</p>
    <p>“Fantastic, thank you for the wonderful show.”</p>
    <p>“Good work. Excellent, fantastic to see each work stand out.”</p>
    <p>“Colourful and exciting, inspirational artwork. Congratulations!!!”</p>
    <p>“Iliana – I like the boldness and colour.”</p>
    <p>“Wow! The work was fantastic!!!”</p>
    <p>“Beautifully vibrant, wonderful talent!”</p>
    <p>“Fab! Please show more images soon.”</p>

You are welcome to send in your comments.
